Wk #28: Next Chapter

What a WEEK!
First of all... we got transfer calls last night....

I'm getting transferred and training a new missionary! I have such bitter sweet feelings about it all. Am I terrified out of my mind? You better believe it! I will be "white washing" an area! (Two new missionaries in an area..) I'm a little overwhelmed, but SO grateful that I've been given this opportunity! There are only 4 new sisters coming into the mission this transfer, and out of ALL the sisters serving here, I was one chosen to train! What a huge compliment and honor. Sister Rohwer will be staying here in Callaway, and she is also going to be training a new missionary. :) We've already shed lots of tears over leaving each other... so it's going to be quite an emotional few days for us, BUT I pray and hope that I can help my new little missionary the best I can. I truly am so grateful that Heavenly Father and President Smith have trusted me with this. I'm excited for this new chapter in my mission. :) I will be heading to Tallahassee tomorrow night, getting my new companion on Wednesday and heading to our new area! We won't know where we are serving until then... so keep your eyes out for the blog! or just wait until next monday ;) Sister Rohwer and I are both guessing Alabama, but we'll see!
Luckily, I was able to take pictures and say goodbye to most the ward on Saturday night at the Fish Fry they had! There are a few people I'm going to stop and see today and tomorrow. Gah. I hate goodbyes. I feel like I'm leaving home all over again!

I also hit six months this last week! CRAZY! I took a 6 month picture... but silly me forgot my camera today! So you'll just have to close your eyes and picture it. Sister Rohwer and I may or may not have celebrated by eating frozen yogurt for lunch... again.. I've gotta stop. haha Chocolate, Salted Carmel and coconut swirled together with toasted coconut and candied pecans on top? How can you not want that for a celebratory lunch.

We got a new investigator this week! His name is Braden, and he is the most polite little ten year old I have ever met. He is Walt's nephew! We are so excited to start teaching him! He told us that he had already started reading the Book of Mormon, and was so excited to learn more. What the! he's so awesome.
We also had some amazing experiences this week with service. Something that the south really struggles with is Home and Visiting Teaching. It is hard to watch, and at times extremely frustrating for us missionaries. So, we went out Visiting Teaching with one of the amazing women in our ward and was able to serve a sister who had just lost her husband not to long ago. She also suffers from extremely poor health and has a lot of family struggles. Sister Rohwer and I sat back for a few minutes and watched the sisterhood of the Relief Society unfold. What a humbling experience it was to watch two sisters serve and love each other.

We also had a few other amazing opportunities that we were blessed with, and we learned so much and felt such a love for our Heavenly Father as we did so!
Saturday we were able to attend and Wedding/Baptism for a family that the other sisters had been working with. It was a beautiful day for them, and we're so excited for them to start working towards the temple. :)
Last night Elder and Sister Crandall (a senior couple serving in our zone from Idaho) came over to our apartment and had Sunday dinner with us. We LOVED it. It felt like a Sunday at home getting together with family! They are the sweetest people ever, and I am so grateful I've been able to serve with them.

Today, a bunch of us missionaries in our zone are meeting at the beach for a BBQ and some fun.. 
but it's raining, so it should be a good time ;)

I love being a missionary, and I have loved serving here. It's definitely been REALLY hard, and very testing, but I have grown and learned so much about myself and my Savior. I'm grateful I've been given the opportunity to represent my Savior, Jesus Christ for 18 months. What an unexplainable experience it has been.

Thank you for all the love and prayers on my behalf. They are GREATLY appreciated!! 
Love Ya'll!

Sister Holmes :)

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