We've had a pretty good week here in Milton, Florida! We had a few
service opportunities that were great. We raked some more leaves and
bagged them up for some members, and we also folded lots of laundry for another member. I love doing service!
For the random moment of the week, I got stuck in a cardboard box.
Yep. Stuck. It was quite the sight! We had to tip it over (it was a huge
box) to even start to get me out. I wish I could explain over email
what happened, but it just wouldn't make sense. I live such a strange
Another miracle/reassuring moment this week was at our
investigator, Lillie's. We hadn't seen her for a while and we were
worried about her progression. As we began the lesson the spirit settled
into her home, and we taught the Plan of Salvation. As we were going
through, tears fell from her eyes and she was in total amazement. At the
end of the lesson, she looked at us, and sat there for a few moments
and said, "I want you to know, that I have learned more in this one hour
with you girls than I have my whole 68 years of life." What a powerful
spirit that brought. When we left, she gave me a hug and just cried and
told me how grateful she was.
I am beyond grateful for the spirit that teaches the prepared.
There are no words to describe the feeling of watching someone be
touched by the spirit and allowing it into their lives.
Not only have we had some beautiful investigator lessons, we had
more less actives than we were expecting be touched by the spirit as
well, and express their desire to come back into the fold.
This work truly is a marvelous work and a wonder. Each one of us
has a divine calling to reach out and pick someone up, set them on their
feet, and support them as they walk through this journey. I love this
gospel, and I love to live it!
Thanks for all the love and support!!!
Sister Holmes
Sister Holmes
help! my bum
is stuck!
Look who I found! ;)
family history with a member!
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