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Alexa & Sister Rohwer (Logan, UT) during Christmas day Skype |
WHOA! Has this week been amazing or WHAT! Sister Rohwer and I are being SO BLESSED right
now. We've just been dying at how quickly the work has boomed this last week. My heart has never been so happy!
We got 3 new gators this week! Can you believe that?! THREE CHILDREN OF GOD READY FOR THE GOSPEL! And not only that, but we have 3 others that are pretty amazing potentials that we think with become investigators, and one little 7 year old girl we are working with for baptism! The Lord answers prayers, that's for sure! So all together we have 5 investigators! *insert the victorious butt scootch dance, screaming, and jumping up and down with all the excitement of the universe.*
Now here is a story all about how the work got flipped turned upside down. I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, I'll tell you all about how the work is hastening out here... I'm so clever.. ;)
We got 3 new gators this week! Can you believe that?! THREE CHILDREN OF GOD READY FOR THE GOSPEL! And not only that, but we have 3 others that are pretty amazing potentials that we think with become investigators, and one little 7 year old girl we are working with for baptism! The Lord answers prayers, that's for sure! So all together we have 5 investigators! *insert the victorious butt scootch dance, screaming, and jumping up and down with all the excitement of the universe.*
Now here is a story all about how the work got flipped turned upside down. I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, I'll tell you all about how the work is hastening out here... I'm so clever.. ;)
Then, Sister Rohwer and I went on exchanges. Our Sister Training Leaders are Sister Peterson (aka Sister Pete) from Utah, and Sister Palmer from Arizona. And WE LOVE THEM. They are the two funniest human beings on the planet. Sister Pete and I were able to talk to a bunch of people on the streets as we rode our bike in tundra weather, and even ran out of Book of Mormons to pass out! The spirit was so strong in each OYM we did (OYM = Open Your Mouth) and we had so much success. So much that we have a family we are going to begin teaching, and another man who has been looking for this gospel. Holy Miracles!
Not only those, but we had THREE investigators come to church yesterday! That is HUGE! One of them being a lady we met saturday while riding our bikes.
As I was riding my bike, I was praying so hard to Heavenly Father. I told him that I knew he would place those children who are prepared to receive the gospel in our paths. I knew he would guide us to where we needed to be, and that I knew he had a plan for our day. I asked to have my eyes spiritually opened, that I would be able to be aware of all those who surrounded us. So, silly me took the wrong turn on my bike. We laughed and just went with it, and that's where we met Cindy. I yelled hello to her as she was unlocking her front door. She looked at me, and started walking toward me. I turned my bike around and rode back to her to hear her say to me, "I know you. How do I know you?! Are you from around here? Have you worked in an office building here locally? I have seen you before. I know you!" I was like wwhhaatt.. So i went with it. She brought up the gospel, was asking questions, and asked if we had any literature for her to read. So, of course I whip out my handy dandy Book of Mormon and she was so beyond excited! I invited her to church for the next day, and gave her the card with the church address, time, and our number. We set an appointment to meet with her on Tuesday.
Now, while this was happening, another man came up to Sister Rohwer and started asking her questions! We ended up sharing the gospel with two completely different people, and gave both of them a Book of Mormon having two completely separate conversations, AT THE SAME TIME. What the WHAT!
Now, it's Sunday. We were ecstatic to have two of our gators at Sacrament Meeting. We went to Sunday School, and randomly got summoned out of class. Lo and Behold, Cindy had WALKED about an hour to church because she didn't have a car and she wanted to come see what it was like. SHE WALKED. My heart about leaped out of my body! She stayed for Sunday School and Relief Society, we ended up having a lesson at her house a few hours later, have another appointment set up with her for tomorrow, and she wants to come to scripture study on wednsday, and church again on sunday! we have found her rides, and she is so just crazy awesome!
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