Wk #74: MIRACLES up in HERE!

Okay you guys, Heavenly Father has been B-L-E-S-S-I-N-G us this week! We have experienced some of the most sacred, powerful moments in the world. This gospel is beyond amazing. AH! I'm so excited to share them with you!!!!!

Derek Terry baptized Willie

We taught a guy named Cedric the Restoration. This was our first lesson with him, and as a zone, mission and most importantly a companionship, we have set a goal to invite people to be baptized on the first or second lesson. As we are going through the lesson, we invite him to be baptized, and he responds with, "YES! I have been wanting to get baptized!" WHAT. 
Derek with his recommend
We then teach Richard, who by the way is extremely prepared. So, last week we taught the Plan of Salvation and invited him to be baptized. He told us that he had been baptized three times already and didn't want or need to. We were super bummed but kept our faith high. We decided to teach him the doctrine of Family History and temples. Come to find out, his brother died when Richard was little and it's been really hard for him and his family. We talk about baptisms for the dead and explain it, then invite him to prepare to enter the temple to do the work for his brother. Starting to get emotional, he accepts then asks "Wait, would that mean that I would need to be baptized?" We answered with the affirmative, and now extremely emotional, he says, 'Yes. Yes I will do this." We committed him to be baptized on April 16th :) The spirit of Elijah was SO strong. Plus, if you remember from last week's email my experience with Grandma Dixie, when he got emotional, I too got emotional because I know his brother and Grandma Dixie were right there with us. 
First temple names!

Wesley in our ward took us out to lunch as a last minute surprise to a place called Midtown Caboose. It's a super fun restaurant that has a TON of crazy hamburgers! I got a PB&J burger... Yep. It had peanut butter and strawberry jam on it, and it was delicious!
We then taught Hunter at a beautiful Park with a lake, and he bought us italian soda's which was also divine, and he is just so prepared. Gah. We are so excited for his baptism! It's still a go for April 9th! 
After we got done teaching Hunter, we were walking to the car where we met a homeless man named Frank. He was really...interesting. He hit on us hard core with his toothless grin and kissed our hands. He then told us that we stole his car. We got out of there real fast. haha
THEN, we had the wonderful privilege of going to dinner with President and Sister Smith! Nothing makes my heart happier than being with these two perfect people. They have forever changed my life. We had such a fun time :) I felt so spoiled. 

We had Zone Conference!! We had the wonderful opportunity of training on the new Easter initiative #Hallelujah. You guys. That video is SO powerful. It comes out tomorrow, so WATCH IT!!! 

We taught a guy named Daishon for the first time. We had contacted him on campus LAST summer, and called him again and he was very anxious to meet with us. It was one of the most powerful lessons. His dad passed away a few years ago, and he is now the man of the house with all sisters and has needed something/someone to look up to. He was deeply touched with the gospel and is so ready to have it in his life. 

Now, for Willie's baptism.... What an event that was! We get the font filled, the chairs set up, programs placed on the chairs, and I get the strong feeling to call Willie to make sure he is okay. When we got our phone, we had a text that says, "I can't make it tonight... I'm in the hospital." Panic.. We call him to find out that he was sweeping his roof and FELL OFF. What the heck, Satan! We ask what injuries he had, and luckily he only had bruised ribs. He told us he would try to make it, but didn't have a ride to the church because his grandma wouldn't take him. He lives 45 minutes away, and his baptism was scheduled to start in 45 minutes. So we frantically begin looking for a ride and had zero luck. Since it's been spring break everyone was gone! The Zone Leaders got permission to go pick him up, which was a huge relief. He got there late, but eventually got there. The program was beautiful, and DEREK TERRY BAPTIZED HIM! I couldn't have been more proud. At the end, Willie got up and bore his testimony, which was the sweetest testimony I have ever heard. He was so grateful, and the spirit was extremely powerful. 

While waiting for Willie to get to his baptism, a guy in our ward told Derek that he was going to the temple the next day and offered to take him there too. Derek was supposed to go on a trip with his family, but after lots of prayer decided to sacrifice the trip to go to the temple. So after the baptism, Derek got an interview for his first ever temple recommend! He was SO excited! WE decided that we HAD to find at least one family name for him to take to the temple. So, we went into the family history center, said a prayer, and opened up his family search account. We have worked on his family history before, but had hit lots of dead ends and hadn't gotten very far. Determined to find names, we begin searching, and low and behold we found a record! That record led us to find SIX names for him to take to the temple! I can't even describe the spirit that was in the room. Derek was so excited and we all could feel his ancestors there with us. He had an incredible experience at the temple, and is speaking in Sacrament on Sunday!!! To make this story even better, there is a statistic in the church that if a Recent Convert goes to the temple with their own family names within the first 90 days of their baptism they have a 90% chance of staying active in the church. While laying in bed, ALMOST asleep, Sister Evans excitedly said my name and said, "Sister Holmes... tomorrow (Friday, the day Derek was going to the temple) is his 90th day!!!!" What a miracle!!!

We taught Melvin from India! We taught the Plan of Salvation which was so good, and he seemed to really enjoy it. We were on exchanges and he asked Sister Nielsen how she KNEW the gospel was true, because he hasn't been able recognize the spirit, so she gave a beautiful answer and THEN, we get a text a few hours later saying that he finally felt the spirit at work! We were all so excited! We are SO sad that he is going back to India in a few weeks, but we will be friends forever!

I am emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausted, but man. When Heavenly Father said "And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!" he really meant it! My joy has NEVER been so full. That scripture has meant more and more to me as I have done my best to labor diligently and seen the fruits of a repentant soul. 

I am SO grateful to be a full time missionary. Nothing brings me more happiness, and I know that these experiences that I've been blessed with with fill my heart for the rest of my eternity. What a beautiful life we live, and what a beautiful gospel we are a part of. 

I love you all!! I hope YOU experience a miracle this week! 
Thanks for all the love and support! 

Sister Holmes

Only Alexa would climb a tree in a skirt!

Good luck getting down...


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