I currently just got out of the doctor's office. Yep. Talked to the nurse, she didn't know what was wrong with me, so I have a doctor's appointment in a couple of hours. Story of my life! Hello dizziness and other unwanted things, welcome back into my life. NOT. And they pricked my finger :( boo. Two of the elders from the other district were kind enough to give me a blessing though, so heaven bless them.
So... the MTC is crazy! I love it. The food is not as good as everyone says, but the chocolate milk is TO DIE FOR. I crave it all the time. All the Elders are total gentlemen, and classes are awesome. My district is my favorite, and we are all already best friends. OH! and guess who my companion is!!!.... SISTER BROWN! The one I had met via facebook! Talk about a blessing! I LOVE HER! We have so much in common and get along so well. The other two sisters are Sister Christiansen (pretty sure that's NOT how you spell her name... but she'll never know) and she's from Fresno, California, and Sister Beal from Bountiful! The Elders are HILARIOUS. We have the greatest time as a district and always try to meet up because we laugh and get along like crazy. There's Elder Pennington, Elder Hinckley (distantly related to President Hinckley), Elder Curtis (my fave) and Elder Wilts! You guys. I can't even tell you how much I love them.
Our teachers are Sister Lyon and Elder Lee and they are AWESOME. We just met our Branch Presidency last night, and they are the sweetest ever. Sister Brown was made Senior companion, which means I'm the junior for a week and then we will switch.
So far, things are crazy, amazing, hard, and every other emotion you could possibly think of. I really do love it. Just not the mornings ;) 6:20 and I are not friends. But lucklily none of the sisters are morning talkers, so it's nice.
Pray for my anxiety to get the heck out of here. Mornings are brutal with that dumb aspect.
BUT I'm relying on the Lord and have faith everything will work out! I still ask myself (and the other sisters) if this is real life... It's a surreal thing to be surrounded by hundreds of missionaries. On wednesday when I got here, in the devotional they said that 360 missionaries entered the MTC that day... crazy! And that there are over 4000 people STAFFED here. It's insane!
This gospel is amazing, and I still can't believe I'm wearing a missionary badge!
I love you all and appreciate all the support and love!
Sister Holmes :)
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