Christmas on a mission is definitely a different experience. I was able to truly feel the TRUE meaning of the holiday all day long. What an awesome opportunity to share the gospel message on the day we celebrate Christ's birth! I was overwhelmed with gratitude to be a missionary. We ate so much that day... luckily it was all good (normal) stuff! haha
Again, thank you thank you for all the Christmas cheer. I have the most wonderful support system in the world! I'm so lucky to have such amazing family and friends. So, THANKS! But, the best gift I received was SKYPE! That made my heart SO happy!!
The rest of the week was great! We set a BCD (Baptism Date) with one of our investigator's, Daphne! We are so so so excited! She is such an amazing person, and I just love her so much. The missionaries have been working with her for just under a year, and we are so proud of her! Her baptism is planned for the end of January. So keep her in your prayers as she prepares for this special day!
Sister Rohwer. You guys. I ADORE Sister Rohwer. She is the biggest sweetheart in the world. I've loved her since the first time I talked to her on the phone when we found out she was going to be transferred here! She is from Logan, Utah and is just such an incredible lady. We get along SO well, and have so much in common. I am so so excited for this transfer, and we have already hit the ground running and have so many awesome goals set. She is just so great.
We are working with Grandma Nash helping her get to the temple. She is doing so well, and has progressed so much! I love her with all my heart and soul. She adopts all the missionaries she works with, and she truly is my Callaway Grandma! We are praying that this new year brings her the blessings of the temple and that eternal happiness.
I am SO grateful to be a missionary! I have learned so much about myself and about the gospel. This is an experience that is so precious, and beautiful, and I have the privilege of being right in the middle of it! My heart is always full of so much happiness and love towards God's children.
I love you all so much and appreciate all the prayers on my behalf. I can feel them helping me and bearing me up when things get difficult.
The Happiest Missionary in the South,
Sister Holmes
ps- my white Christmas was on the beach... and that indeed is a jelly fish. Say what!
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