So to bring in the first of December... we went running this morning. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME. haha Just kidding. But we did go running on a dirt road lined by forest on both sides, and it was actually really good!
This week... This week was really good! Thanksgiving was awesome. We spent it with the sweetest people! Sister B was BEYOND excited to feed us & had called us many times all month & then THREE times Thanksgiving morning! haha but she is a sweetheart & her excitement is the cutest ever. Her husband isn't a member, but he's not interested in learning. He loves having the missionaries over though, so maybe one day. :) We ate lots of yummy food (she cooked for an army & there families & there were only 4 of us eating!). She sent us home with lots of leftovers. After that, we biked to our bishop's house & had some more food! He had one of his son's & daughter in-law & their two kids over, and Ben, our YSA bff over too. So we ate with them & then played a game afterwards. It made me feel like I was at home. So it was awesome.
We had so much success with our less actives this week! We taught multiple lessons that we were able to feel the spirit so so strong, and we got ALL of them to come to church yesterday! You guys! That was HUGE! We are so excited, and we are praying that we will be able to help them progress. As for our investigators, not much to report. The work in that area is ssllooww.. But we have faith and trust in the Lord that we will find those who are prepared to receive the gospel, so I'm not too worried.
We had exchanges this week, so I was able to go with Sister Peterson to Lynn Haven! Holy difference from Callaway! Polar opposites. And I was able to see the ocean for the first time since being out here! It was only for a brief moment, but it was beautiful! Exchanges were so good though and I learned so much. I love Sister Peterson. She is awesome and I was so grateful!
The weather has been absolutely gorgeous the past couple days. It's finally decided to warm up a little during the days, and it's PERFECT! It's that weather that I describe as the last day of school when you know it's going to be the best summer ever and there's that perfect breeze and it's just the happiest weather that touches your soul.... SO GREAT! Biking has been awesome in it!
The weather has been absolutely gorgeous the past couple days. It's finally decided to warm up a little during the days, and it's PERFECT! It's that weather that I describe as the last day of school when you know it's going to be the best summer ever and there's that perfect breeze and it's just the happiest weather that touches your soul.... SO GREAT! Biking has been awesome in it!
I love you all so much, and I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary at this time in the world. The work truly is hastening, and the church is growing. As we are in the midst of the holiday season, strive to find opportunities to serve those around you, and build your relationship with your sweet, sweet Savior. He knows you, He loves you, and He is always with you.
Thanks for all the letters and love! Keep em comin! ;)
Until next time,
Sister Holmes
>> happy dance <<
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