It's definitely been a rough week in this neck
of the woods. I want to start off by thanking everyone for the
sweet words about my very loved grandma! I've been overwhelmed with the
love and support I have gotten. As hard as it has been for me out here, I
know that she will be my extra companion in this cherished mission of
I have been EXTREMELY grateful for Sister Rohwer this past week. She has
done everything in her power to help me and make sure I'm okay. It's
been a humbling experience as she has been so selfless. I had the
incredible experience of being able to feel Heavenly Father and my
Saviors infinite love for me through Sister Rohwer. It has been a week
full of emotion and heartache, but one of overwhelming gratitude and
love. She has truly shown many Christlike attributes towards me, and has
taken me under her wing. She has the biggest heart, and has cried with
me in times of sorrow.
The work has been a little slow this week
seeing as how my cute companion and I have both been sick, but we did
get two new
investigators, and they are amazing. Walt has come from a very dark
past, but has completely changed his life around and has an incredible
testimony! The elders were working with him, and after scripture study
Wednesday night that Sister Rohwer and I taught, him and his girlfriend
(a member in our ward) came up and asked us to continue teaching them.
We had a very powerful lesson after that, and we have felt so honored!
And the other is Lacreesha! She is a SWEETHEART.
We are so excited :)
We are so excited :)
Sister Petersen & Sister Palmer. Both went home last week. My Sister Trainers. Very hard to see them go. |
are still working with sweet little Jazzanae for her baptism in a few
weeks. She is a doll, and we love her to death! Keep praying for the
18th of April!
General Conference fast approaching, I would like to invite you to
prayerfully think of questions you'd like to have answered. Search the
scriptures, talk with your Heavenly Father, and write your special
questions down. Ponder them over the next couple weeks and prepare your
minds spiritually for the words the Prophet and leaders of the church
will speak. Your questions will be answered!
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